As the car industry continually transforms itself and its cars, the way it reaches out to customers would also benefit from some updating. To be frank, a lot has already been done. Car companies have websites that offer “make-it-yourself” tools in order to virtually customize cars and get a better idea of how the end product will look. But just like car engineers were asked to spend more time and research dollars on hybrids over SUV’s, car company marketing departments should focus on a new, powerful way to get people into dealerships and close deals.
What can adding text messaging into your dealership’s promotional and marketing plan do? Quite a lot, actually. Take this example:
You’re investing into a radio, TV, newspaper, or online advertisement. You have chosen the perfect, concise wording to get people interested. However, it’s just not enough to get them in the door. Why? The buyer wants to know things like horsepower and whether there is an option for all wheel drive, and of course, how much the car would cost. Now, imagine you had added a simple line like this: “text AUTO to 46786 for questions about our vehicles or for the nearest dealership.” The consumer then texts in questions, making your advertisements truly interactive, and most importantly, buyers get answers they need to motivate them to come into your dealership. Opt It’s software allows you to answer each text message individually, so you can enable your dealers with the power to answer customers’ important questions via the system. This functionality gives you the ability to track new leads and determine how many turn into sales.
Let’s look at another scenario where Opt It can streamline your efforts:
Social or professional, people use text message to send quick, concise information, which means you likely schedule a lot of meetings by text already. Every several months, all the beautiful cars you’ve sold need an oil change. Why not send customers a reminder to come in and get the job done? And, hey, why not offer 20 percent off for those that come in the day of the text? You can even ask customers interested in your offer to text you back, in order to adequately prepare your staff for the incoming rush of cars.
Additionally, you can use the Opt It software to build a list of your loyal customers. Inform the members of this elite list about exclusive deals or new arrivals, a direct form of advertising that they won’t ignore.
Opt It is the premiere provider of text messaging for brands and businesses.
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